Providing a comprehensive trauma treatment service on the Mornington Peninsula

  • "..trauma can result in growth…adversity and distress – beyond their capacity to disrupt and injure – often push people to develop in positive ways. This may involve new levels of psychological resilience, additional survival skills, greater self-knowledge and self -appreciation, increased empathy, and a more broad and complex view of life in general."

    John Briere Ph.D.
    Principles of Trauma Therapy

  • "The goal of treatment of PTSD [Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder] is to help people live in the present, without feeling or behaving according to irrelevant demands belonging to the past."

    DirectorBessel A. Van Der Kolk, M.D.
    The Body Keeps the Score

  • "By integrating many domains of our experience within a receptive form of awareness, we develop a more connected and harmonious flow in our lives. Our minds have an innate movement toward integration and healing that may often be blocked after trauma."

    Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.
    Trauma and the Body

  • "For human beings the best predictor of something becoming traumatic seems to be a situation in which they no longer can imagine a way out; when fighting [or escaping] no longer is an option and they feel overpowered and helpless."

    Bessel A. Van Der Kolk, M.D.
    Trauma and the Body

  • "It can be a very empowering experience for trauma survivors to find new tools to regulate their physiological or affective experiences."

    David Emerson & Elizabeth Hopper Ph.D.
    authors of Overcoming Trauma through Yoga

  • "Supporting a client who has experienced any trauma over the course of their lifetime in simply noticing that they have a body, befriending their body, and incorporating exercises to develop healthy relationships with their body into therapy is integral to the treatment of trauma"

    Therapist integrating yoga-based interventions into therapeutic work
    Overcoming Trauma through Yoga

  • "I have found that, when introduced in a safe and comfortable space, clients tend to be willing to acknowledge and nurture the mind-body connection. As a clinician, it can be a very rewarding and exciting experience to be present with a client who is ready to and engages in taking care of the body as well as the mind following experiences with trauma."

    Therapist integrating yoga-based interventions into therapeutic work
    Overcoming Trauma through Yoga







Our Centre is operating at full capacity and we are currently unable to accept any new referrals however this position may change. We are reviewing the situation on a regular basis.



For women in recovery from Breast Cancer



Have you ever wondered how your thoughts affect your experiences and how your breast cancer journey effects you on a whole?

Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is the investigation of the relationships between our brain, our behaviours, and our immune systems and how these interactions impact our mental and physical health.

If you are interested in discovering how your experience of breast cancer diagnosis, treatment and recovery may be impacting your immune function, emotions and sense of social and physical wellbeing, then this group is for you.

Join Psychologist Dr Margaret Walker and Yoga teacher Lucy Jarvis on a 7 week journey of discovery of your inner world - and learn gentle but powerful ways to instigate positive change through yogic principles and techniques, mindfulness and Internal Family Systems (IFS)-informed Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.

Program Highlights - Psychological guidance, Take away tools, Group setting, Breathwork, Mindset tips in a warm, safe space

Commencing Thursday 15th August weekly 10:00am - 11:30am this program will run for 7 weeks until Thursday September 26th

$100 per session and commitment for full program required

Call the Psychology, Trauma & Mindfulness Centre to book your place on (03) 5976 3911 or email: [email protected]



















What is trauma?

Many people associate the word trauma with exposure to a violent, dramatic or overwhelming event, but it is also possible for trauma to develop in response to gradual or unrelenting painful emotional and psychological experiences as well.

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that can develop following exposure to a traumatic event during which there was threat of serious injury or death to oneself or others, and intense fear, horror, or helplessness was experienced in response to the event.

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Enquire Today

At the Psychology, Trauma, & Mindfulness Centre we specialize in assessing and treating different types of depression, including depression related to past trauma. To enquire further, or to make an appointment please contact us.

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